Monday, December 12, 2016

Ermergency update!

Download fixed version here!!QtYkjJKC!I0I8y79yQSfnQaND20rPliNbdSA2M3krqCf9oadpNlU

Thanks to Aardt,  it was brought to my attention of some really major game killing bugs that snuck past my Orkin Streak and brutalized it.

With the severity of how bugged the current build was, I am releasing what I have into the Faerie Village and Coral but it still mostly WIP as she only has a history, hang out, confession, and defloration of Beatrix scene as well as a morning scene for the deflowering and a standard morning scene. Standard morning scene is also WIP with only a few lines of narration/dialogue total.

After this, until another hopefully to-be-rare emergency update must be made, I will resume normal uploading schedules between Patreon, my blogspot, and the forums I posted on.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Chronostorms, Spelunking, Cally, Elly And Ruby

The stars of this update.
Change log includes:
1: Chronostorms which will hinder visits and explorations to certain locations for the day as well as hunting.
2: If a check for a Chronostorm happening doesn't have one occur, a check for Cally to go spelunking then will in which she won't be visitable though I left in a continuity error where can still visit you. Will have this fixed in next month's update.
3: A bundle of scenes for Elly and Ruby. I wonder if that was last update or this update I wrote those post virginity scenes for Cally when Beatrix goes herm...

Next month I'll try to get in some more RNG explorations here and there. Open up the city a little more as well. And Maybe, just maybe include a faerie who you could befriend and unlock the Faerie Village which has been hiding in the code for the longest time now but has had no relevance.
The title mentions the stars of this update.

Download link:!VwQR3CBY!ZReN_y8DNWfPddrrNUn_3eaRJfcusbHj__TXMqWDHM4

Change log includes:
1: Chronostorms which will hinder visits and explorations to certain locations for the day as well as hunting.
2: If a check for a Chronostorm happening doesn't have one occur, a check for Cally to go spelunking then will in which she won't be visitable though I left in a continuity error where can still visit you. Will have this fixed in next month's update.
3: A bundle of scenes for Elly and Ruby. I wonder if that was last update or this update I wrote those post virginity scenes for Cally when Beatrix goes herm...

Next month I'll try to get in some more RNG explorations here and there. Open up the city a little more as well. And Maybe, just maybe include a faerie who you could befriend and unlock the Faerie Village which has been hiding in the code for the longest time now but has had no relevance.

Friday, November 25, 2016

RPG Maker VX Ace

Thanks to a recent Humble Bundle sale, I managed to obtain this monster. Still only one map and have no clue how it works, but I've already made as good a sprite for Yuki as I could to match her and one for Gundaran.
This is going to take some getting used to.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Experimental Mechanics and More Scenes

Main feature of this update is Ruby and Cally.Change List includes:
1. Domme and toy scenes for Ruby plus a gift from her.
2. Clothing mechanic because Ruby won't let you hunt with her gift worn.
3. Toy scenes for Cally included virginity taking with the double dildo if owned.
4. Virginity scenes for Tomone. You thought Ruby was a worrywart? No scenes have been written as of yet for after you've taken her phallic virginity or given her your own phallic virginity though.

Planned additions:
1. The first dream of the intro can lead to an event depending on the response.
2. This leads to me having a random daily event where Cally goes spelunking. I may make it to where she shares finds with Beatrix including the frisky ones.
3. Also would like a daily event that fits in with what Lavender mentions in her backstory about the planet being weird with time.
3. Continued work on random characters' sex scenes.

Download link is:!dtAVQA7R!hLQdFinOHAn31UQBN01KWm4ucHVHMm3Z0OMq7Zubung
Main feature of this update is Ruby and Cally.Change List includes:
1. Domme and toy scenes for Ruby plus a gift from her.
2. Clothing mechanic because Ruby won't let you hunt with her gift worn.
3. Toy scenes for Cally included virginity taking with the double dildo if owned.
4. Virginity scenes for Tomone. You thought Ruby was a worrywart? No scenes have been written as of yet for after you've taken her phallic virginity or given her your own phallic virginity though.

Planned additions:
1. The first dream of the intro can lead to an event depending on the response.
2. This leads to me having a random daily event where Cally goes spelunking. I may make it to where she shares finds with Beatrix including the frisky ones.
3. Also would like a daily event that fits in with what Lavender mentions in her backstory about the planet being weird with time.
3. Continued work on random characters' sex scenes.

Download link is:!dtAVQA7R!hLQdFinOHAn31UQBN01KWm4ucHVHMm3Z0OMq7Zubung

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Gastroenteritis Fun

Download for the new update:!Q8Qy3ApT!WmvgICFLnGowuSzw15BdiUR4VwtNLPD5O7kUuMEPymY

Well I got hit by the Stomach Flu but thankfully after I got the update ready. Just had to upload it and make the post. My laptop also needed a factory reset but I managed to evac Search for a Sister by going into Safe mode and copying the entire folder onto a flash drive.

WARNING! This build will require a clean install!

Changelog includes:
1: Character backstories for all the girls and hang out text.
2: 2 new scenes each for Yuki and Elly. I also got the scene written for Luriel getting in on Lavender's confession scene.
3: An overhaul to how the variables worked. Everything should work like it is supposed to now.
4: Ruby is easier to be made a lover as is Luriel. I need to get the same code on Yuki though because she's a mage-nurse, Luriel's a guard, it makes sense right?

Sorry about the delay again, but you know what He said. "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed one is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Teasers for Next Release

  1. Character histories are all done until a new one is added.
  2. Yuki Expansion, primarily when she catches vaginal from Beatrix post-defloweration where intercourse is in (currently) 2 positions with one having variations depending on certain flags.
  3. Overhaul is going to cause massive bugs if you continue with the last few builds, I recommend fresh installations.
  4. Possibly increased ETA for Cally's arrival from 10 to days to a currently undecided amount.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Refined Hunting

New month and a new update!

I'm still having trouble embedding download links so hopefully we can just click and go straight to a download eventually. If it doesn't work, then copy and paste into the address bar.

Change log includes:

New scenes for certain Inn Activities.

Refined hunting with a nice equation to make it more lucrative.

Switched buttons out for Androol's designs for exploration and visiting the other girls of the game. Ruby's and Lavender's need a little more time though as I need smaller ones or else the current ones will eat up the entire screen until I get around to upping the resolution which I still haven't figured out.

WIP Expirimental Infrastructure to setting up being visited by others, Currently only Cally.

Also stomped a massive amount of bugs that caused timeskips, closing the game, and other game killing elements that nobody likes.

Next update, I think I'm going to do character backstories while trying to get that infrastructure to not send your Beatrixes careening off the data highways from one scene to another.
New month and a new update!

I'm still having trouble embedding download links so hopefully we can just click and go straight to a download eventually. If it doesn't work, then copy and paste into the address bar.

Change log includes:

New scenes for certain Inn Activities.

Refined hunting with a nice equation to make it more lucrative.

Switched buttons out for Androol's designs for exploration and visiting the other girls of the game. Ruby's and Lavender's need a little more time though as I need smaller ones or else the current ones will eat up the entire screen until I get around to upping the resolution which I still haven't figured out.

WIP Expirimental Infrastructure to setting up being visited by others as well as other events, Currently only Cally, a Dance Party, and a Group Bath.

Also stomped a massive amount of bugs that caused timeskips, closing the game, and other game killing elements that nobody likes.

Next update, I think I'm going to do character backstories while trying to get that infrastructure to not send your Beatrixes careening off the data highways from one scene to another. (Completed)

Also this is still using persistent variables. I have already done an overhaul to convert them to regular variables and this will be in next month's update.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Inn Actions and more!

Change log includes:1. A masturbation First Time scene for both regular and dildo.
2. Confession scenes finished EXCEPT for one thing I found in the lint after making the current build with Ruby's where an option for a virgin Beatrix to finger Ruby assuming Yuki is already a lover before Ruby's confession. It will clse the game if you choose that option so if your Beatrix still is a virgin don't have her finger Ruby and just get deflowered.
3. Fleshed out the shops.
4. Some files prepared for later like for a dance party or everybody acquainted to Beatrix that live at the inn (at least) heading to the onsen.

MEGA can be found here:!topQgS4R!nc2mPfnWeqsM2x4LKfyOFBW5v3uJZ_Dxo2oCzADecUw
I'm going to try and figure out how to get hunting to yield more but I'll give it a base per difficulty unless you want to try the Risky one where there will be no base. Nothing but RNG there.

I would also like to add a goo girl, but I'll keep that on the idea list unless Androol doesn't mind. Currently he's working on Luriel's concept art.
Change log includes:1. A masturbation First Time scene for both regular and dildo.
2. Confession scenes finished EXCEPT for one thing I found in the lint after making the current build with Ruby's where an option for a virgin Beatrix to finger Ruby assuming Yuki is already a lover before Ruby's confession. It will close the game if you choose that option so if your Beatrix still is a virgin don't have her finger Ruby and just get deflowered.
3. Fleshed out the shops.
4. Some files prepared for later like for a dance party or everybody acquainted to Beatrix that live at the inn (at least) heading to the onsen.

MEGA can be found here:!topQgS4R!nc2mPfnWeqsM2x4LKfyOFBW5v3uJZ_Dxo2oCzADecUw
I'm going to try and figure out how to get hunting to yield more but I'll give it a base per difficulty unless you want to try the Risky one where there will be no base. Nothing but RNG there.

I would also like to add a goo girl, but I'll keep that on the idea list unless Androol doesn't mind. Currently he's working on Luriel's concept art.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Hot Springs Anybody?

Well I've been wanting to work on the hot springs after getting done (kinda) with a certain couple of actions that Beatrix doesn't even leave the room for and I finally got a hot spring scene cooked. I just have Yuki's for now though.

Also a dilemma. Should I just make the hot springs exclusive to the girls that live in the city at the largest range or should I allow for Luriel, Lavender, and Tomone as well?

Monday, July 11, 2016

Public Updated Build!

I said I'd have it up on Monday! Here it is!

Confession Scenes written since the Demo: Lavender, Elly, Luriel, and Ruby. The current build however only features Lavender, Yuki, and Tomone plus a scene to start Cally off if you've finished the main story.

Ruby's is a rather big scene and maybe a certain magenurse will get in on it if she's a lover as well before Ruby!

I have a plan to implement a similar concept for Lavender's later too so keep an eye out for that in later updates.


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

First Patron Build!

I have my first patron build up on my patreon now! The build will be made public next Monday and I'll try to keep the patron builds on a monthly schedule.

Current Update on developement:

I have written up confession scenes for Tomone and a new character named Lavender, a nekomimi that lives in the Forest Village. Remaining confession scenes are Ruby and Elly unnntil I end up adding a new character which may be a while as to give Androol some time to catch up on the art as he only has Yuki and Lavender art drawn.

I have introduced a Flower shop that currently serves no purpose until later coding run by Lavender. Elly's shop on the other hand could probably get some toys and maybe some kinky clothes in the long run(?), the latter being much later again as Androol's list gets caught up.

I intend to allow Beatrix's sister to get in on the fun with some of the other characters in the future as well as for Beatrix to receive visits at least from those in the city by RNG. The visits will consume a daily action as if Beatrix visited them herself and likewise can possibly have a intimate time with the visitor assuming the visitor has become one of her lovers.

I know I had Ruby mention a dancehall, an onsen, and other amenities so I'm going to try working on the inn itself while I try to think of what I can do for the Outer City and locations outside of the city as a whole. I also gave the world the often used name NeoTerra, partially because of the backstory, but still have had no luck thinking of a name for the city.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

New Demo

By no means is it done but I have a new demo with the Main Story complete with one ending variation. I'm considering making more as well but this is what I have at the moment. It is still artless as well although I could do something on my own end and find some images to use from public domain but I've busying myself with the coding, scenewriting, and getting sidetracked by the guys I play games with.



Friday, June 24, 2016

Progession begins again!

My internet went down for a few days and I couldn't get over the snag because I couldn't figure out a name for the character Beatrix be greeted by in the mountains. More updates later.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Story Progression

I've gotten the next chunk of story banged out but I'm at a snag with naming the character that Beatrix will hear but not see upon entering the mountains.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Got the shops (currently only the kink shop which only sells herm potions and spells for now) to work finally and I also have visiting working as well and hunting to get money too! Still no art though but that will change... eventually.

As for a show and tell of the progress:

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Cast Thus Far

  1. Beatrix - The player character and has a twin sister named Cally
  2. Cally - Beatrix's twin sister, looks exactly like Beatrix but keeps her hair short
  3. Yuki - A traditional kitsune healing mage that lives at Ruby's inn and helps at the local hostpital
  4. Ruby - A juraigumo that owns a traditional inn, has a thing for red and white but in her room...
  5. Gundaran - Looks like a normal person with a heavy accent but there's something off. Maybe the trainee he alludes to leads to another game?
  6. Will - a yokai of yet to be told type. My own little self within the game. I don't intend to steal the spotlight from either of the PCs of either game.

Saturday, June 11, 2016


I've got Visiting and Hunting in but there is one problem. I've allowed for three daily actions but visiting will instead go through the scenes in that particular .rpy and then close rather than read the if statements and go to where I want them, the DayStart.rpy specifically.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

First Game

Search for a Sister is a game made using Ren'Py following Beatrix and her sister Cally in a new world after their own was on the brink of destruction. While in the rift between their world and the new, they are separated and according to an NPC, might be able to be reunited in 10 days after the tour of the town. The cast is currently limited yet funny and planned to add more characters, races, etc.
Currently in the game:
A long intro including a couple of dreams, first a wet one then a nightmare, an limited introduction to the new town, and ends at the first day of the game for now.
Yuri, Yuricest, Herm
Planned to be in the game:
Art eventually even if I have to commission after I start getting income
More fetishes including tentacles, transformatives, and more.
Sandbox-style after major story completion
I have been looking through Public Domain sounds so sound is planned as well.
The game is up on patreon and the first build is up but patrons will receive future builds first and have a chance to partake in polls.

Patreon -
First release of game -